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BitComet 0.90

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21.06.2007, 13:26

Вышла новая версия программы BitComet. Клиент для Peer 2 Peer сети BitTorrent. Обладает куда более удобным интерфейсом, чем стандартный BitTorrent, имеет ряд полезных настроек, предварительный просмотр загружаемого видео, поддержка DHT, поиск по средствам нескольких крупных порталов, статистика и прочие удобства.

Некоторое время назад у программы были проблемы с некоторыми трэкерами. На данный же момент ситуация выправилась. Пользователям P2P сети BitTorrent рекомендуется приглядеться. Весьма качественный продукт.

Список изменений:

- GUI Improved: add search for eDonkey download source option in BT task properties dialog
- GUI Improved: add ED download plugin configuration page in perferences dialog
- GUI Improved: display download rate from HTTP/FTP sources and ED sources in BT task summary pane
- GUI Improved: shotsnap info for each item in task list and torrent share list changed to a clickable icon
- GUI Improved: tasks remain selected after sort task list
- GUI Improved: new context menu for my shared torrent and peer shared torrent in fav list
- GUI Improved: decrease CPU usage for shared torrent list refresh
- GUI Improved: new search icon for each item in shared torrent list
- GUI Improved: prompt infomation will be displayed when shared torrent list is empty
- GUI Improved: add "copy BC link" to context menu of shared torrent list, with hotkey Ctrl+C
- GUI Improved: add "clear all" to context menu of peer shared torrent list
- GUI Improved: new option in View menu to show search box in toolbar
- GUI Improved: shutdown computer after download finish works for HTTP task now
- GUI Improved: text in info bar and status bar of review window change to multi-language string
- GUI Improved: the last task will be selected when BitComet startup
- GUI Improved: minimize to system tray by close button or minimize button can be configured in preferences dialog
- GUI Improved: a prompt window will popup if BitComet detected that the TCP half-open limit of windows is too small at startup
- GUI Improved: new state of "detecting" for WAN/LAN ip detector in status bar
- GUI Improved: HTTP task connection list move to the up of task log
- GUI Improved: the auto-start order for queued task keeps the same to display order of sorted task list
- GUI Bugfix: preview window fail to refresh when swtich UI language
- GUI Bugfix: "pause all active task" in context menu of floating window does not work
- GUI Bugfix: program exit confirm when task running do not count up uploading tasks
- GUI Bugfix: unable to click task comment, snapshot and voting for items of 10001th and below in shared torrent list
- GUI Bugfix: redownload HTTP task will lose task list sort order
- Core Improved: BT task support downloading from eDonkey network (ED plugin for BitComet is required)
- Core Improved: BT task support uploading to eDonkey network
- Core Improved: add eDonkey network listen port to Windows Firewall and UPNP NAT device when program startup
- Core Improved: disable NAT Traversal via UDP automatically for WAN IP user, to improve TCP transfer efficiency
- Core Bugfix: auto stop running BT task using a invalid condition dismatch to user settings
- Core Bugfix: program will lose respond for a while to flush disk cache when downloading huge HTTP/FTP file under Win2003 64bit
Категория: P2P-клиенты | Добавил: NuKe$
Просмотров: 620 | Загрузок: 0 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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